Caja Azul de la Tribuna del Agua

Cities of the future and urban water management

Cities of the future are likely to experience difficulties in efficiently managing scarcer and less reliable water resources. To address these difficulties successfully, there is a need to change significantly the way we manage urban water cycle. There are several key concepts that underlie this change including: flexible and robust system design, interventions over the entire urban water cycle; reconsideration of the way water is used (and reused); and greater intervention of natural systems for water and waste water treatment. Clearly changes based around these concepts will substantially contribute to a reduction in the vulnerability of cities and an increase in their capacity and preparedness to cope with global changes. SWITCH is a research project that aims to create this change by developing scientific, technological and socio-economic solutions for the sustainable and effective management of water in the city of the future ¿ 2050.
Vairavamoorthy, Kalanithy
Palabras Clave
Ciudades, Planificación hidrológica, Desarrollo sostenible, Recursos hídricos
Ponencia ( 13 pag, 420 Kb )