Caja Azul de la Tribuna del Agua

The Institutional Framework for Transferable Emission Rights

Transferable emission rights as a policy tool is widely known as a component of cap and trade, such as Greenhouse Gas emissions trading. Transferable emission rights are most applicable to water quality when addressing regional pollution from multiple polluters. Effective policy must include four components, 1) aggressive pollution reduction caps, 2) measurement of pollution emissions, 3) strong and swift enforcement, and 4) retirement of existing prescriptive or ¿command and control¿ policies. Policy makers considering the use of transferable emission rights must first ask themselves an honest question, ¿Will your policy be environmentally aggressive with mandatory pollution measurement and strong enforcement?¿ If the answer is no, then transferable emission rights should not be pursued. If the answer is yes, additional consideration should include the type of pollutants involved and how those pollutants impact localized water quality (i.e., ¿hot spots¿). If properly applied, transferable emission rights result in ¿polluter pays¿ for all polluters involved. The advantage is that all polluters, thus society, pay an overall lower price to achieve the desired environmental outcome.
Rose, Robert J.
Palabras Clave
Contaminación del agua, Política comercial, Emisiones atmosféricas
Ponencia ( 8 pag, 1007 Kb )

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