Caja Azul de la Tribuna del Agua

Tradeable emission rights for water quality management

Tradeable emission rights seek to maximise the benefits of trade between those who place the greatest value on being able to make pollutant discharges to waters with those who can provide pollutant discharge reductions at lowest cost. The market framework to bring this demand and supply together has to date focussed primarily on tradeable emission permit schemes. <br/> However with the increasing significance of diffuse source emissions, tradeable permit schemes are becoming less relevant. This is because the costs involved in establishing the market infrastructure to define, allocate, trade and enforce diffuse source liabilities is high. This has prompted the development of a broader suite of tradeable rights instruments with lower transaction costs that can still extract most of the benefits from trade. <br/> In this paper, experiences with water quality trading in Australia are reviewed, focussing on the shift from point-point permit trading to alternative market structures that incorporate diffuse sources. In broad terms, issues associated with transaction costs, environmental equivalence and the dominance of diffuse sources are manageable. More problematic are political and regulatory cultures.
Collins, Drew
Palabras Clave
Contaminación atmosférica, emisiones atmoesféricas, Calidad del agua, Política comercial
Ponencia ( 6 pag, 107 Kb )

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