SWITCH Project in Zaragoza

Why Zaragoza

Zaragoza is renown for its different policies for water saving and also the collaboration of its citizens. As the following graphic shows and despite population increase, a gradual reduction of the water collected for city supply has been reached:

The consumption in 2008 for household uses was 106 litres by inhabitant and day, one of the lowest in Spain, country where the average consumption is 160 litres by inhabitant and day.

The objective is to reduce by 2015 the distribution of drinking water to 58 million m3 by year, and to attain a household consumption not over 90 litres per inhabitant and day.

This concern for reaching a good water management has made Zaragoza to be chosen to participate in SWITCH Project. For planning and implementing the actions, the City Council counts on the collaboration of the University of Zaragoza.