Visit to the Bethlehem and the Christmas Market

Did you know that Zaragoza is the city in Spain with the largest Giant Nativity scene with life-size figures?

Located at Plaza del Pilar , the heart of the city at Christmas, every year it receives hundreds of thousands of visits from Zaragozans and tourists.

This Nativity scene is made up of more than 100 figures that recreate tradition and set a space where, in addition, traditional scenes of Aragonese trades are represented.

In addition, next to the Bethlehem is the Christmas Exhibition, in its wooden booths you can buy and taste typical food products such as hot chocolate, churros, roasted potatoes, crêpes... as well as a wide variety of craft products decoration, toys, jewelry...

Both the Nativity Scene and the Christmas Exhibition can be visited together in this charming guided tour which also includes 4 tastings

Dates, time and place of departure

2, 7, 8, 9, 16 y 23 de diciembre.

19:30h. desde la Oficina de Turismo de la Plaza del Pilar.


  • Main altarpiece of the Basilica del Pilar in which the history of the origin of the Nativity scenes will be explained.
  • Christmas sample with 3 tastings.
  • Bethlehem of Judea in the Plaza del Pilar


Approximately 2 hours.


  • General rate: 5.50 euros
  • Children under 8 years old: free. The free rate does not include tastings.
  • Maximum 20 people per group.


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