Downtown Area - Paseo Independencia and adjacent

Barrio centro

The Paseo de la Independencia is one of the main streets in Zaragoza, connecting two of the city’s most emblematic squares: Plaza de Aragón and Plaza de España.

This street, as well as the network of streets that lead into or out of this vital thoroughfare, are the topic of conversation today. Street names like Canfranc, Agustín Simón, José Luis Albareda, Cinco de Marzo, San Miguel, along with squares such as Plaza de Aragón, Plaza de España, Plaza de los Sitio, and the churches of Santa Engracia and Miguel de los Navarros, are the heart of the city. The primary economic, leisure and administrative area of the city is found here.

This area is already fully developed, and the supply of new housing here is exhausted, and if there were any left, it would be at exorbitant prices. It offers a wide range of shopping, including department stores, franchises, shopping centers, and small businesses as well, such as tobacconists, jewelers, travel agencies, bars and restaurants, with as many as one hundred and fifty stores. The constant coming and going of people on the streets is indicative of a dynamic and lively area.

It’s a highly consolidated neighborhood offering a wide variety of services - tram, urban buses, taxis - that coexist with other, more modern and ecological ones, like stations for bikes, electric motorcycles and, more recently, electric scooters. The existence of these services makes it a preferred area to live for those who have to move to Zaragoza for work reasons.

If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of this avenue, just a few meters away is La Plaza de los Sitios, a haven of tranquility in one of the city’s most beautiful settings. This rectangular square, with landscaped areas and a lush grove, features a Monument to the Sieges of Zaragoza in its center. It depicts the various protagonists who defended the city in 1808. Crowning the monument is a figure that allegorically represents the city.

To take a break from your visit, nothing beats stopping in one of the bars or restaurants flanking the square. In addition to their diverse cuisine, these places are in vogue, where people go to see and be seen.

And the best way to top off this visit is to stop by the two churches located in this neighborhood:

  • Basilica de Santa Engracia, a 19th century church that preserves its extraordinary Renaissance façade. Inside it houses two Roman sarcophagi brought from Italy to the river port of Caesaraugusta.
  • The church of San Miguel de los Navarros, where you can admire the exterior Mudejar decoration, concentrated in two parts: the apse and the bell tower.

To spend a day getting to know the Paseo de la Independencia and the surrounding streets is to feel the heartbeat of a living city, with corners that speak of its history and the rich heritage left by the different cultures that have lived in the city.

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