ZCB Associative

ZCB Associative

Zaragoza Congresos is committed to a new way of collaboration with associations, colleges, clusters, professional associations and scientific, research and specific subject societies based in Zaragoza, through a new project called ZCB Associativo, thus including a fourth pillar in its operation , which joins the three existing ones, ZCB Partners, ZCB Hosts and ZCB Corporate.

Its objective is threefold: to create a link and direct contact with these associations, so that they can get to know Zaragoza Congresos and its services; offer information and collaboration in the organization of the events of these reference associations in Zaragoza; establish synergies between the companies of ZCB Socios, between the members of ZCB and these associations dedicated to different matters of special relevance in the city.

Benefits of being a member of the Club

  • Personalized presentation of Zaragoza Congresos to publicize the Department, its operation and the services it offers to event organizers.
  • Visibility, synergies and access to the data of the direct contact persons of all the member companies of Zaragoza Congresos, as well as participation in the various organized activities.
  • Support and collaboration in the organization of any congress, conference or meeting that they carry out.
  • Maximum confidentiality

How to belong

Participation in ZCB Associativo does not imply any cost for the interested associations. To participate, you must send an email to zcb@zaragoza.es , requesting to be part.

Once Zaragoza Congresos has decided to incorporate it, it will welcome you to this project that was born with the aim of supporting associations in organizing their professional meetings.

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