What is ZCB Corporate

What is ZCB Corporate

Zaragoza Congresos is committed to a new way of collaboration with the city's companies through this project, which seeks to build a closer relationship with that business sector of Zaragoza not directly linked to event organization.

Its goal is triple: To have the support of relevant city companies in their promotion of the city as a destination; to provide information and collaboration in the organization of its events and participate in their dissemination; to establish synergies between Zaragoza Congresos partner companies, linked to the meeting market, and those companies engaged in other professional areas.

Benefits of being a Club member

  • Visibility, synergies and access to the contact person details of all partner companies of Zaragoza Congresos.
  • Support and collaboration in the organization of any corporate event or convention they carry out.
  • Publication of news, attendance at meetings held by Zaragoza Congresses and cooperation agreements.
  • Maximum confidentiality.

How to belong

Participation in ZCB Corporativo does not entail any cost to interested companies. To participate, all you have to do is write to zcb@zaragoza.es, and ask to be included.

Once Zaragoza Congresos has decided to incorporate it, it will welcome you to this project that was born with the aim of supporting corporations in organizing their professional meetings.

More information


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