
The core objective of the Zaragoza’s Strategic Plan for External Promotion promoted by the City Council, is to foster a medium- and long-term transformation project that will make possible to establish the city’s strategic growth vectors, as well as the programmes, resources and action plans needed to implement these. In addition, this plan has a number of secondary aims:

  • Carry out a reflection and analysis of the city’s possibilities with all stakeholders involved.
  • Create a culture and methodology for positioning and segmentation in the promotion of Zaragoza.
  • Promote the value of Zaragoza among its own citizens and with the social and business fabric, in order to clearly recognize our strengths and areas for improvement and our future objectives.
  • Establish stable, lasting networks and synergies with other institutions and entities, which allow Zaragoza’s development to be optimized over time.
  • Align strategic and transformation plans of entities, institutions and departments.
Imagen aérea de Zaragoza

Strategic development vectors

The Strategic Plan for External Promotion is broadly understood and extended to the city of Zaragoza, and it therefore pools its analysis and activities around the following strategic development vectors:

Sustainable urban innovation

Innovación urbana sostenible

This includes mobility-related aspects (including both public transportation and sustainable urban logistics of goods, i.e., Urban Distribution of Goods - DUM), efficient management of the water cycle, optimal and healthy air quality management, efficient and innovative waste management, efficient energy management, promotion, development and enhancement of the city’s green infrastructure, and the city’s resilience in the face of pandemic situations such as the one we are experiencing. In short, we are talking about all aspects that, from a city management point of view, contribute to the sustainability of the city and its enhancement in the eyes of society.

Culture, Heritage and Sports

Sustainable urban innovation

It includes the monumental heritage of the city, the unique buildings and archaeological remains; the cultural heritage collected in museums and exhibition halls, theaters and auditoriums, and cultural facilities in general, but also cultural, artistic and sporting activities and events; aspects related to intangible heritage such as the city festivals, the geniuses and relevant personalities of culture, science, research, the arts or politics born or linked to Zaragoza; audiovisual culture; sport and the sports heritage of the existing infrastructures, and the positioning of the city thanks to the sports teams. Likewise, the extensive and notable natural heritage of the town center and the municipal term is included. In short, it encompasses all the resources that are capable of attracting visitors and diverse audiences to our city, to get to know it and enjoy it.

Tourism and leisure

Sustainable urban innovation

This includes all tourism activities programmed and included in the city, related elements such as hostelry, gastronomy and leisure facilities, and all resources and capacities related to the organization of congresses and events. In short, the resources capable of providing services to current and potential visitors and audiences.

Training, education and entrepreneurship

Sustainable urban innovation

This includes all the training-related structures and entities present in the city, to create a coordinated policy to attract international students related to long-term education (degrees, masters, postgraduate degrees, Erasmus programmes, etc.) and language tourism. It also includes all the structures (business incubators, coworking spaces and projects, etc.) that make the city of Zaragoza a benchmark for entrepreneurship.

Commercial, industrial and logistics economic development

Sustainable urban innovation

Based on innovation and digitalization as well as, among others, on the city’s excellent geostrategic positioning, including all the infrastructures (industrial estates, logistics platforms, business centres, trade fairs, shopping centres, local trade network, markets, etc.) and initiatives planned for its dynamization, particularly in aspects related to innovation, digitalization and industry 4.0. In other words, all the resources capable of attracting investments and projects to our city, especially linked to innovation and new business models.

City Values

Listed below are the values of the city of Zaragoza that stand when it comes to external promotion.

These values describe what the city is like and how it is perceived, thus becoming elements of exterior promotion and shaping the bases on which the strategic values of the city’s exterior promotion are founded.

A city to live in:

  • Welcoming
  • High quality of life
  • Safe city
  • Sustainable and healthy

A city to visit:

  • Well located, well connected
  • Historical city
  • City of sports
  • Multicultural

A city for doing business:

  • Geostrategic position
  • Talent city
  • Stability and social cohesion
  • Competitiveness

Actividades de Conjunto


Las actividades de conjunto en su diversidad de formaciones, tanto vocales como instrumentales, permiten al alumnado comprender el significado de su formación musical al posibilitarle la participación dentro de un grupo. En este sentido representan el fin último que persigue la enseñanza de un instrumento en la educación musical para aficionados.


El objetivo principal es el desarrollo de las capacidades motrices, afectivas y cognitivas necesarias para que el alumnado de cualquier edad, comprenda la danza como medio de expresión artística y comunicación personal y puedan conocer y disfrutar de sus diferentes manifestaciones.

Actividades de conjunto

Folklore Clásica Moderna
Sevillanas Body Ballet

Conjuntos instrumentales de: rhytm & blues, rock, pop, jazz, etc...

Coro Folclore Coro Infantil
Grupo de Instrumentos Tradicionales Aragoneses Coro Adultos
Rondalla Coro Voces Graves
Agrupación de Pulso y Púa Conjunto Flautas
Grupo de Jota: rondalla, canto y baile Grupo de Violines
Música de Cámara
Orquesta de Cuerda
Taller de Música y Danza Antigua

Pruebas de acceso

La Escuela Municipal de Música y Danza del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza realiza el proceso de admisión de nuevos alumnos mediante una Preinscripción que se realiza en el mes de mayo.

Los aspirantes a ser alumnos de la Escuela tienen dos opciones:

A) Alumnos que empiezan de cero, es decir, que no tienen ningún conocimiento sobre la materia. Se ofertan las plazas que dejan vacantes los alumnos que han finalizado su formación en el centro.

B) Alumnos que tienen algún conocimiento de la materia. Se ofertan las plazas vacantes del alumnado que ha abandonado o interrumpido su formación antes de finalizar todo el ciclo formativo.

Para la modalidad A) se realiza un sorteo informático en el mes de septiembre al que asisten presencialmente representantes de profesores, del equipo directivo, del Servicio de Educación y del AMPYA( Asociación de madres, padres y alumnos).

Para la modalidad B) se realizan pruebas de nivel en el mes de septiembre en cada una de las especialidades en las que se ofertan vacantes y de acuerdo con los criterios publicados a tal efecto.