El Gancho

Luis Lacorte

“Anage-old neighborhood full of life and activity”.

Barrio gancho

El Gancho is the name commonly used to refer to the neighborhood of San Pablo. This central neighborhood is part of the Old Town district of Zaragoza. It is located next to the ancient Roman city, to which it was added in medieval times after the Christian reconquest, between the city limit and La Aljafería.

El Gancho is an ancient neighborhood full of culture, life and activity. Its cultural heritage includes multiple monuments,such as the Church of San Pablo, in the Mudejar style, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and known as the third cathedral of Zaragoza, and the Casa de Amparo, a residence for the elderly located in an old, 14th-century convent. A walk through El Gancho will also take you to the Central Market , the Market Theater and the Fire Museum.

Its lively streets will surprise you with the urban art that decorates buildings and walls, the result of the various editions of the Asalto Festival, and which makes the neighborhood a true open-air museum. This neighborhood hosts many cultural and recreational activities, ranging from concerts and cultural exhibits to the popular Carrera del Gancho.

Creatives and artisans showcase their wares in markets and small shops, mostly run by the neighborhood’s residents. It’s a must-see site for those who seek originality, craftsmanship and creativity in their purchases. Another place worth visiting is the Las Armas Market.

El Gancho is also a neighborhood of flavors since it offers us a gastronomic tour of the most international and innovative cuisine, without forgetting the most traditional dishes that are part of the identity of Zaragoza.

El Gancho is, without a doubt, a surprising neighborhood where you won't get bored.

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