The Aragonese Jota

The dance known as the Jota can be found in the folk traditions of most regions of Spain. However, you’ll find different variations in each region, and the Jota in Aragón has a unique and distinctive nature for which it is internationally known.

The Aragonese Jota is expressed through dancing, singing and music performed by a rondalla, a group consisting of the guitar, lute and bandurria.

  • The dance of the Aragonese Jota is distinctive because of its use of heel-toe steps and small jumps which can occasionally become athletic leaps.
  • The arms are kept curved and usually raised, moving up and down in front of the body. The dancers usually carry castanets and are dressed in colourful regional costumes.
  • The Jota when sung is possibly the greatest form of this folk tradition, and some singers have achieved individual fame.

The cultural, musical and artistic values ​​of the Aragonese Jota make it an important part of the Cultural Heritage of Aragon, which is why the regional government of Aragon declared the Aragonese Jota to be a ‘Non-physical Asset of Cultural Interest’ in 2013.

There are also many examples where the Jota has gone beyond the strict boundaries of popular folk traditions to inspire other areas of art and culture. These include the painter Sorolla, the composers Albéniz, Falla, Granados, Ravel and Liszt, the directors Rey and Saura, and the choreographer Moiseyev.

The energy and striking appearance of this dance create a sense of belonging to a community and performances can be regularly found in all manner of celebrations and events.

The importance of the Jota to the people of Aragón can be seen in the large number of folk groups and schools of Jota found throughout the region. Several Jota contests and competitions are held each year in various Aragonese towns and cities. One particularly notable one is the Official Aragonese Jota Contest, held on 12 th October in the Plaza del Pilar in Zaragoza.

The Aragonese Jota is today a symbol of Aragón and its culture.

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